
How to build a bloody good business

Strong and resilient dairy farming businesses are more important now than ever before. We are facing significant change, both in our sector and beyond, and making sure our business can survive these changes and come out thriving is critical.

In this webinar series we consider the qualities of a resilient business and look at what strategies you can work on in your own business to be as prepared as you can be to face the known and the unknown.

Our strategic partners from ASB, Xero, Figured and McIntyre Dick and Partners (part of NZ CA Limited) answered questions around how great financial and business systems will help your business thrive. The webinar series was led by people and strategy specialist Lee Astridge from No8HR.

People are, arguably, the scarcest resource for our businesses in today’s economic environment and that makes harnessing talent a critical part of having a bloody good business.

These webinars are suited to everyone who runs or owns a farm or is thinking about moving into a management or leadership role in a farming business.


  • You understand what business resilience is
  • You have looked at some ideas to enhance your business’ resilience in the areas of team, finance, and business systems
  • You have the opportunity to ask questions that are relevant to your business

Bloody Good Businesses are resilient businesses

  • What it takes to be a resilient business
  • What are some of the strategies for managing change and resilience that you could use in your business

The current labour market crisis….

  • How can we increase the resilience of the people component of your business when considering the current talent crisis

Building clarity & confidence to run your business systems

  • What role can business systems and technology play in making sure your business is resilient

Answering your bloody good questions

  • Submit your questions and our panel of experts will help you
  • Re visit Q&A sessions and any unanswered questions
  • Unpacking the tricky questions

This is a FREE webinar series, funded by New Zealand dairy farmers through the DairyNZ levy. Proud partners of Dairy Tomorrow – we will build great workplaces for New Zealand’s most talented workforce.

By purchasing access to this webinar you will gain access to all webinars in the series.


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