6 month planning session with CMK – A Glimpse into the day
Find out more about Addie and Kip’s 6 month planning session with CMK:
Rain, rain, rain. 616mls of rain in August and 369mls so far in September. It’s a bit muddy and soggy around the place. But it seems to have settled down and we have some sun on the way (at the moment anyway). It’s hard work farming any day but continuous rain makes it that much harder. It’s hard getting up every morning to rain, wet weather gear, stuck motorbikes, mud and unhappy cows.
We are usually an all grass farm but we made a decision to get some PK and molasses in to help keep the weight on our cows before mating. We also made the decision to fly on some fertiliser as there was no way we could get on our paddocks. This was another extra cost that we did not budget for. It was definitely the right decision and we have made adjustments to our budget with the help of CMK, our accountants and our bank. Being open and honest and talking with our team around us has made this weather situation a little less daunting.
I guess we have learned that budgets can be adjusted and things like weather can’t be predicted but talking and planning with your accountant and bank during stressful times can actually help your situation and provide some advice and guidance.
Other than the weather which all I talk about at the moment is the rain and looking at weather forecasts calving has gone well. About 30 cows left to calve. The oldest mob of calves are enjoying their time outside now and are looking great! We have finished off some new fences and gateways now to wait for some sunshine to start getting our crop paddocks back into grass!
Here’s to some sunshine ☀️
Find out more about Addie and Kip’s 6 month planning session with CMK:
It’s been a while since my last blog! Things on farm have been very busy.
Dom catches up with Milking It farmers, Addie and Kip along with Sally and John
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