Nicola Bryant
Regional Leader of the Year 2022
Nicola, having lived in several rural communities, reflects that she knows what it feels like to be isolated. It’s important to her that others don’t feel the same way, so is a welcoming and smiley face for new people to her area.
The judges found Nicola to be highly inclusive, connecting with a large range of community groups and activities, such as the Te Kiri Women connect group, arranging Burger Nights, being a PTA Committee member and a Trustee of the Rural Razzle Trust, to name a few.
Her passion for helping kids also extends to helping form the Auroa Agri-kids organisation. She’s also been a mentor for PrimaryITO for seven years to “give back to the dairy sector that has given her so much”.
The judges applauded the leadership journey Nicola has been on, acknowledging that she has not only grown herself, and her confidence, but also her team and community and has demonstrated courage to do this. She has stepped forward to be part of and lead a range of initiatives in her region and has grown a “quiet” dairy region into a now flourishing DWN community.
– Judges Panel